Description of Enhance Your GoPro Footage with CamKix Cinematic Filter Pack: Compatible with GoPro Hero 4 and 3+ - Includes ND Filters (ND2/ND4/ND8/ND16), UV Filter, and Cleaning Cloth
CAMKIX CINEMATIC FILTER PACK: This kit contains four neutral density filters (ND2/ND4/ND8/ND16), a UV filter and a cleaning cloth. The functionality and advantages of the filters are explained in the following texts and in the pictures. ND FILTERS: The CamKix neutral density (ND) filters decrease the amount of light coming into the sensor (through the lens), without affecting the color of the image. This is ideal when you want to use lower shutter speeds in bright light, for example to avoid a washed out image of the sky. ND2/ND4/ND8/ND16: A good rule for shooting a well balanced video with a natural motion blur is to aim for a shutter speed that is twice your framerate. If the light level is 4 stops over (+4EV), you should install an ND16 to get the correct exposure. If you are 3 stops over (+3EV), you should use the ND8 filter, etc. If you can’t calculate or measure the EV value, try all 4 filters to test which filter gives the best result. UV FILTER: The CamKix UV filter not only keeps your GoPro camera lens scratch free, it also acts as a UV filter which filters out any UV light coming into the lens. ENHANCED FOOTAGE: If the original source footage that you capture with your GoPro camera is better, it will be easier to get an enhanced result in post production. Using the CamKix filter set will help you achieve that.