I like the fact that I can use the software at home, and the company is always there to help if I need it. I have found it easy to use. I have been able to keep track of my cleaning schedule and keep my clients happy. I have not had any problems with the software. I like that it is easy to use and keeps me organized.
I can easily keep track of my work, and it is easy to share my schedule with my clients. It is a great software for a small business. I would recommend this to anyone who needs a…
The system runs smoothly
Easy interface/easy navigation around program
Keeps everything organised!
Can't do reports offline
Not mobile responsive (can run programs via laptop or desktop)
I like that this is a very user friendly program. It has many features and is easy to use. I also like that it is very customizable and can be used in a variety of ways depending on your need. There are some issues with the program. Sometimes I have to refresh or reload the data before it will update. Also, sometimes the program freezes up and requires me to restart my computer.
This happens when I am attempting to do something that requires more than one window open. If you're looking for an…
Full featured system
Ability organize schedules easily.
Customer Service Management System built into software; helps streamline operations greatly!
It's easy for me as I have been using it since day one, but also very helpful if you are new at this type of thing! The interface can be difficult when first starting out because there isn't much help in explaining things such that they make sense right away - especially with all these different features available (the ones we use most often). So give yourself time before jumping into training your staff or getting them trained by someone else who has used more advanced programs like ours :) If