DailyBot reduces the need for meetings by automating standups, daily status reports, retrospectives and periodic check-ins. It tracks team motivation and promotes positive feedback.
The best part is that it has an option to create reminders as well so you don't have worry about forgetting anything important or meeting deadlines which helps me out in my day job too because I am always worried of missing something from work while at home when i use this app! Sometimes we get stuck with some bugs but they are working hard towards solving them quickly & efficiently.
If anyone wants to keep track of their tasks then definitely go ahead otherwise if your looking just to relaxβ¦
Good UI
Easy To Use Interface
Great For Creating Remind er's Of Things In Our Day
I like that it is easy to use once set up with your teams needs. We have been able to improve communication between our stakeholders across multiple time zones. The interface does look dated but I think this makes sense as they are still working out the kinks of their product.
If you want an automated way to communicate quickly within your organization then this will help! Not only has there been improvement in speed at which we can respond to requests from clients but also how well employeesβ¦
They're always very pleased by quick response times (sometimes even before me) because everything happens so much faster than through email alone..and best part no more duplicate responses needed due lackluster