Description of Daisee
Daisee provides automated quality management for customer interactions, powered by artificial intelligence, speech and text analytics. Daisee analyzes and automatically scores 100% of customer interactions against communication, compliance and conduct.
Daisee ingests conversational media into its patent-pending Semantic Engine, utilising a comprehensive combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to derive Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Daisee’s machine-read comprehension of the underlying context of the communication is far superior in focus than traditional speech and text analytics that use a simple word-match and counting approach. The software groups language based on meaning which is essential to locating desirable features in interactions where similar things are said in different ways.
The Programmable ScorecardTM automatically scores each customer interaction using a scoring method that is based on the specific quality framework for each team within your organisation against 3 core pillars; communication, conduct and compliance. Should an interaction receive a low-score or is deemed high-risk, a workflow is automatically activated in near-real-time, bringing to attention the need for it to be reviewed and remediated. Daisee is pre-trained out of the box so deployment is a matter of days, not months or years and there is no setup or professional services fees – just a straightforward SaaS-based pricing model. Ensure 100% of your interactions are not only monitored, analyzed and scored with high-risk calls triaged for fast review and remediation.