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Revainrating 4 out of 5

Setup a pain but good quality bike

Overall awesome bike. My son loves it! Set up was relatively easy with the exception of the hand break. This part alone took me and my 14 year old son hours to figure out. Directions not helpful as they were for a different bike. Finally figured it out but it was a pain. But bike is super sturdy, and an overall good quality bike.

  • Helps kids gain a love for cycling and outdoor activities
  • May not provide enough room for children to store personal items or supplies while riding

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Nice simple balance bike but the handbrake is broken

The balance bike is sturdy and great for my girls but we purposely bought it so that we could have the handbrake and it doesn’t work. It came broken which is really frustrating. It was already put together at the brake area so I think it was simply made poorly. You squeeze the brake and the wire won’t do what it’s suppose to. Pops out the side. The girls pick up speed on this bike and have to use their feet dragging on the asphalt to stop. If I’d have known the brake doesn’t really work I’d…

  • Comes in various colors and designs
  • May not be as comfortable for children who are larger or heavier than average

Revainrating 4 out of 5

So frustrating!: my feedback

I am a single mom and am new to all of this. I am beyond frustrated that this manual doesn’t match this bikes. The pictures are different and I am about to lose it already.

  • Perfect for toddlers and kids aged 3-8 years old
  • May not be compatible with certain accessories, such as training wheels or baskets

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Nice bike. Very frustrating brake assembly.

The bike seems sturdy and is pretty easy to put together except for the brake. Our cable was not in the position in the diagram in the book and it took a long time to figure out what it was supposed to be doing and then was very difficult to get it into the handle. We still haven’t been able to align it properly so that it will stop the tire. Fortunately it’s a balance bike and hopefully we won’t be using it on too many hills. Still the brake is frustrating and we are contemplating taking it to

  • Helps with spatial awareness
  • May be difficult for some children to operate in inclement weather conditions

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Need correct instructions!

Seems like a nice sturdy bike, but the instructions that come with it are for a pedal bike and do not apply to this bike. It made assembly a bit confusing, especially the brakes, otherwise, a nice bike!

  • Sports & Outdoors
  • Riders may outgrow the bike quickly due to the limited weight capacity

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Great bike, came with a flat tire

Got this for my very tall four year old. Fits her well with room to grow and she loves it. Assembly wasn’t any harder than expected—you have to attach and adjust the seat, handlebars, and front wheel and inflate the tires. The brake required more tuning than I am used to but the instructions were adequate. The included tools work well and are versatile enough that they may work for other bikes, etc.Seems well-made and sturdy but doesn’t weigh too much.My only real complaint is that the rear…

  • Sturdy and can withstand rough play
  • May be more prone to tipping over or accidents compared to other bike options

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Kids won’t ride a two wheeler? This is a game changer

If you are frustrated with trying to teach your kid to ride a two wheeler because the progress is going too slowly - INVEST IN THIS!We had been trying to get my kids to ride a two wheeler since they were 3, and it was too intimidating for them, particularly the balance/fear of falling. This balance bike helped my 6YO and my 5YO both learn to ride a two wheeler within about 1 hour. The key is to get them comfortable cruising around on this thing - which happens very quickly because they aren’t…

  • Safe and secure for young riders
  • May not be as customizable or versatile as other bike options

Revainrating 2 out of 5

Hate this bike on my review.

I hate this bike. I’m not a mechanical idiot. I used to work retail and have put together many, many, many kids’ bikes. I am the queen of IKEA furniture. I enjoy the challenge. So believe me when I say this bike’s assembly is AWFUL. The instructions are for the wrong bike, so you have to skip around and try to find what applies to your bike and skip what doesn’t. What does apply isn’t the exact model you have so guess and make adjustments. There are no manuals online and only a very basic…

  • Promotes a healthy lifestyle and exercise
  • May not provide enough resistance for children who need a more challenging workout