Description of Massage mat, Kuznetsov's Applicator, with pillow, blue, 42x68 cm
Kuznetsov''s applicator relieves muscle spasms, relieves pain, provides a quick and complete rest after a busy day, relaxes after sports and fitness, increases efficiency and vitality, normalizes sleep and metabolism, improves mood. For a relaxing effect, it is enough to lie down for 15 to 30 minutes or put your feet on it. It is recommended to perform procedures before going to bed, this will make sleep more calm, deep and restorative. Using a massager on a regular basis improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, normalizes sleep, which in turn helps relieve nervous tension, eliminates pain in the muscles of the back, joints and spine. Mat size 42*68 (thorns 230), roller 15*37 (thorns 66) Kuznetsov''s applicator is a massage device that consists of many small needles located on a fabric or plastic plate. It is used to mechanically affect the skin and muscles, improve blood circulation, relax and reduce pain. The massage mat for home can be used to reduce body fat and fight cellulite, relieve muscle and joint pain, treat various diseases and conditions such as back pain, headaches, muscle spasms, neuralgia and many others. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety levels, improve sleep quality, and improve overall health. The device is easy to use - just apply it to the desired areas of the body for a few minutes a day to get the desired effect. Kuznetsov''s applicator helps to improve the condition and elasticity of the skin. Also, its use is recommended to increase the overall tone of the body. First, we advise you to start using the massage mat for 5 minutes a day every day, and then every week you can increase the time by 1-2 minutes, focusing on your well-being. In case of hypersensitivity, it can be used initially through clothing. However, you will achieve a greater effect when used on a naked body. Take care of your health, and our Kuznetsov massage mat applicator will help you with this. However, as with any medical device, you should consult your doctor before using the Kuznetsov Applicator, especially if you have any medical conditions or health concerns.