Nikon 35mm f/2D AF Nikkor Lens Review
Very good

Description of Nikon 35mm f/2D AF Nikkor Lens
- 1) Japanese embly on such an inexpensive lens. 2) Small and light. Does not outweigh the camera. At night, because of this, you can avoid stirring. 3) Very small MDF - about 15cm. 4) There is no frightening feeling of "disposability". 5) Lens fully expands at full frame. When switching from D90 to D700, the picture became softer and acquired a pleasant "volume". 6) The lens is not afraid of backlight or side light - in many cases a good UV filter is enough. In bright sunlight, you can not be afraid of hares, loss of sharpness and contrast. 7) Designed for cheap filters with a diameter of 52mm. 8) Fast focusing, but there is a nuance - there are misses in the open. 9) Very handy for reporting.
- 1) Not a very comfortable grip - the focus ring constantly rotates when the camera is in operation and do not put your palm from below, under the lens. 2) AF module misses at open f / 2.0 on full-frame cameras (on the D700, and even D3s). 3) May not suit "Nuts" in bokeh - a consequence of a small number of aperture blades. 4) Many old screwdriver (AF-D) fixes are not sharp (example Nikkor 28 / 2.8D). On 35 / 2D, on FF cameras, in order to get a sharp picture when shooting landscapes, you will have to twist the aperture. IMHO, working from f / 5.0 (better f / 5.6) and up to f / 9. When shooting cars or when reporting, sharpness is enough already from 4.0-5.0. Who has a modern FF camera and needs sharpness across the entire field of the frame - it's better to take the new Nikkor 35 / 1.8G (for FX) or 35 / 1.4G or fixes with this focal length from Tamron / Sigma. 5) The steel hood Nikon Lens Hood HN-3 for this lens is rare, it is NOT supplied with the lens (option! ) And it is not so easy to find it on sale. 6) An unpleasant and subjective nuance - during intensive work, when shooting several hundred frames a day in different conditions, there is a suion that the lens dust onto the matrix. The lens is not hermetic and fogs up during sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
- I took it on the D90 as the first, one might say a training fix after the staff member. The only indisputable advantage is that I had to immediately leave the machine and master manual modes . Otherwise, you can not even set it))
- Well, so far the main drawback is my inexperience . For some reason, it is tempting to check it somewhere with the masters .
- - Lens pattern - Compactness and weight in relation to luminosity - Autofocus speed - Widespread filter diameter: 52mm - Inexpensive price - Minimum distortion
- - Up to f/2.8 soft - Screwdriver - autofocus will not be available on all Nikon carcasses
- 1. Fast. 2. Precise. 3. Lightweight and compact 4. Drawing. 5. Price (I bought a used complete set with a filter and a native lens hood, ideally for 10k).
- Not as sharp in the open, but clearly sharper than 50 1.8 non-motorized
- convenient EGF, well made, filter diameter 52 mm, beautiful volumetric pictures are obtained.
- the lens makes you think a lot about the depth of field, if you just take out the camera and shoot something in P mode, then most likely there will be a fail.
- Great lens! Among the advantages I can list the following: picture quality, precise focusing, pleasant bokeh, fast aperture, build quality, sharpness
- Sensitive to backlight, although I do not consider this a big drawback. I put on a hood, the problem was solved :)
- Excellent and stable build quality. Made in Japan. When buying, I chose from three lenses, all three have accurate focus. Excellent color rendering, bokeh. Versatile, bright enough. Would recommend him as a regular. Compared to the standard AF-S Nikkkor 18-105, the same shooting modes result in a richer, more contrasting picture. Autofocus on my D90 feels no slower than with a standard lens. Small-sized. The sharpening ring is nicely rubberized.
- The sharpening ring is unusually spinning, but you can get used to it, this is not a drawback.
- The picture of the D-series lenses (prickly in moderation, with nuts so cute in the background; yes, I regard this as a virtue), from f2.5 it’s already decent, f5.6 is excellent. Compact, lightweight. In full frame, a very convenient FR for leisurely walking down the street. A sort of station wagon for urban photography. The minimum focusing distance is 0.25m. Portraits can also be taken, not classic, but very beautiful, wide portraits are a separate issue. Minimum distortion. The quality of construction and assembly, the inscription Made in Japan.
- Poorly holds backlight. They say that it catches hares from the side light. Not for screwdriverless cameras.
- Weight, size, price, quality.
- The focus ring rotates.
- Optimum angle of view, small and light, strong construction, sharp picture, no geometric distortion, suitable for "full frame" Minimum focusing distance, you can shoot almost "macro"
- On a fully open aperture, it is not sharp; it is impossible to compare in aperture ratio with "fifty dollars 1,4". The fact that it is a "screwdriver" is probably also a disadvantage for owners of younger Nikons It is advisable to use with a hood, so as not to catch "hares"
- Sharp, beautiful bokeh! The picture from it is more pleasant and lively! compared to zoom.
- Not found!
- - Sharp at all apertures. - Good reproduction of colors and details in highlights and shadows - Small - the camera with it is placed in a small bag.
- - Catches bunnies - With hard side rays falling on the front lens, sharpness drops sharply. He asks for a good hood
- Small and compact.
- Not all modes are working.