The drawback in this situation is analogous to that of an Asian prostitute, in which everything seems to be going well, but then something unexpected happens. This is what occurred with my joystick when I unpacked it, gave it a little squeeze, thought about how I would play, and then realized something was wrong. It felt as if Baikal had been poured into the glass instead of cola, and when I looked at the side, I noticed that the plastic on the left side was not properly docked. What a pitiful nano millimeters. However, these micro millimeters are so little that it appeared to be a low-quality fake during the initial discussion. It has been brought to my attention that this is in no way a marriage, and I've heard no negative comments regarding the retail establishment. The manufacturer, in their stupidity, overlooked such a crucial detail. When you are playing, it is not visible because you have a grasp on it and you do not crawl with it; nevertheless, when you first grab it in your hands, all you want to do is grind this stupid joint. In general, and in general, I have mixed feelings, and the whole reason I am writing a review is because to this issue. It's possible that there is a problem with pink, so you should avoid it. It would be lovely if the buttons had a backlight, but I don't look at them when I press them anyhow. However, it would be nicer with it, and for such and such a price, it would be nicer.
Regarding the coverage of the joystick, this is another contentious issue; I would recommend that you compare it live with the controller and with the dualsense; the latter has more dimensions and a heavier weight.
It works perfectly for playing games on the computer, which is why I bought it. He was frustrated for no reason other than the assembly, and he attempted to relocate the joint himself, so to speak, in order to align it, but he was unable.
Again, this is a question of personal preference; nevertheless, I find the buttons on the cross to be overly small in comparison to those on the controller. This renders the cross irrelevant to me. Take it and don't worry about getting used to it; your hand will get used to it. I recommend that you first try using it from all angles, but who am I kidding? Everyone will stare at its design and functionality. So go ahead and take it.