Victorinox Huntsman Swiss Army Pocket Knife, Medium Size, Multi Tool with 15 Functions, Large Blade, Bottle Opener, in Sleek Black Review
Very good

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Description of Victorinox Huntsman Swiss Army Pocket Knife, Medium Size, Multi Tool with 15 Functions, Large Blade, Bottle Opener, in Sleek Black
- excellent feel (except for the corkscrew, which sticks out too far from the relief shears), but the spring is guaranteed to break before the rest of the knife. The blade may be sharpened to any size desired; for example, while holding a leaf in your hand, you can draw the blade horizontally down the leaf's edge to shred it into both large and little bits.
- Pads' Rapid Scratching The knife is excellent and really hip right now. still identify as a hipster
- Hunstman is the best 91mm wix knife in my opinion.
- There's no such thing
- Quality, versatility, lifetime warranty
- Price, no pocket clip, no blade lock
- Hunstman is the best 91mm wix knife in my opinion.
- There's no such thing
- Excellent quality item! Just a must have
- No
- Quality knife.
- Slightly worn plates