CoinCorner is a good provider for cryptocurrency holders who want to store the main leader token in the market, BTC. It is available through a consistent and good platform that is operative and has not presented failures until now. For applying for the product, users must register an account on the platform, so they can also see other features the system can give to users. By posting your email address, you'll receive trustworthy content that does not affect your data or your privacy, but it is just a way to get subscribed to the news of the platform.
This wallet provides certain solutions to holders since through the system they can execute the following processes:
- Enter in a public marketplace where they can buy BTC rapidly and the orders are processed safely.
- Trust in the opinion of thousands of users who already applied for this product and recommend it because of its low fees.
- Access to additional sites of trust where users can also interact in a peer-to-peer mode and obtain BTC.
As you can see, this wallet is just centred on that token. There are no additions or listing programs, and because of that many still decide whether to use it or not. Nevertheless, you have access to this page and you can learn many useful tips about the token, and what other users say. So, I think that thanks to that fact I might recommend the site.
NOTE: In the end, it just depends on what you really need. This product is effective and secure but is limited in support. It is not competitive in the marketplace.