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Review on Infinito Wallet by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Infinito wallet is a wallet that allows to keep any cryptoactive, it is ideal…

Infinito wallet is a wallet that allows to keep any cryptoactive, it is ideal to make fast payments and wherever. The biggest attraction is the storage of any cryptocurrency. although some modadilades are in development may be promising as for example the purchase of assets with fiat money. I could recommend it for storage of few assets and especially to spend these funds is perfect use. The team behind infinite wallet is active with a great work experience are more than 300 people each in their field of development.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Currently has an integrated DApps application browser, although it is slow and extremely heavy, it is practical but for those who only look for a purse for P2P payments I would recommend other options.
It is important to realize that private keys are stored in the device, the user is fully responsible for the assets.
Visually speaking is one of the most beautiful purses on the market, really simple to use, anyone can easily adapt to this.
Undoubtedly this is one of the best wallets, has a clear roadmap where you can verify each of the steps also has a lot of activity in their networks is really easy to resolve any questions or problems.

  • It is available for most of the cryptocurrencies currently available. The application is intuitive and easy to use, it is available for android and ios. It is available in 12 languages. The privacy of users is protected since it is not disclosed and important is decentralized. It is possible to receive cryptoactives in different Airdrop aimed at the infinite community.
  • It is an online wallet that makes it vulnerable to attacks, and that is not entirely reliable to keep our assets cold. basically this wallet fulfills its purpose. I find very few negative aspects