The wallet is the official wallet for holding NEM coins. It’s freely available…
The wallet is the official wallet for holding NEM coins. It’s freely available online and easy to access. If you are interested in storing XEM tokens in a very secure way. The NEM Nano Wallet is a good option for users which are interested in this cryptocurrency. It is easy and free to use, so you can be sure that it will be a great tool for you. If you choose to install it on your personal computer, make sure you backup the files for added security.
Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Some important features that I previously forgot to mention:
Simple and mosaic transfers
Delegated harvesting & income chart
Balance in many currencies.
Changelly & ShapeShift Exchanges.
Offline transactions module.
Trezor support
🔹Everything is straightforward, and the signin process is quick.
🔹Managing multiple accounts and local address books.
🔹Displaying recent transactions on an interactive messaging interface.
🔹Compatible with OSX, Windows, Linux, and more.
🔹Sending a payment on this wallet takes a min.
🔹The 0.1% transaction fee is lower than what most platforms charge.
🔹It has a secure, coded from scratch security and a multi signature system to add better security to the wallet.
🔸The wallet app is below standard.
🔸The messaging service is quite expensive.
🔸It doesn’t keep your transaction details private. They claim this feature is beneficial to business operators.
🔸Deficiency an active customer support team.