The NEM Nona wallet is one of the official wallets. Although it has its own features, being one of the useful wallets, it has a lot of features compared to the light version. The wallet is easy to use and affordable. And offers good services. That is, the interface is easy to use and a lightweight wallet. The wallet also has an attractive feature. That is, you have the ability to store and buy coins. High security can also be combined with mobile devices. Allows users to store their personal keys and restore them at any time. And they have the opportunity to open any account they want. This wallet is one of the wallets available online. If you want to install it on your computer, you will need to take a backup for some security. Easy to use and lightweight NEM Nano wallet is useful for users. The presence of a service for excellent users is also attracting more and more customers. The reason why it is called a lightweight wallet is that mobile phones are not necessary. The wallet is primarily a community-based project. The wallet is distinguished by being one of the most multi-purpose wallets.