Stellar became one of the most attractive cryptocurrencies on the market, and currently, it circulates by different hands with ease. Many users adopted the token to find new strategies of trading, and they expect their token to rise in value. There are different wallets where it is supported, and they're also exchanges that accept to save it, but there is just a small site that provides attention just for it. The stellar desktop is a wallet with multiple benefits that is available for computers, but the real name of it is Foxlet Wallet, and it can be confirmed when accessing the platform for information on the project.
This wallet supports the Stellar token and brings some opportunities to hold and trade it. There are low fees and commissions, and it is easy to keep a good balance without spending any single amount of money on it. Currently, this wallet is available for three desktop servers: Linux, Windows, and Mac.
The site counts with a bilingual service updated for English and Chinese. It is also possible to see it in Spanish with a correct translation service. Out of this, users now receive an opportunity to create their own token into the platform. There are single steps for doing so, they just need to follow some parameters explained on the platform.
In conclusion, this wallet might be effective for those users who hold the Stellar token, or those who know what type of crypto to create. In general aspects, it is a limited product that I personally do not want to use.