SwissBorg is a crypto money project created with blockchain technology.
You can earn passive income from SwissBorg. You can win prizes by promoting SwissBorg on many social media platforms.
To use SwissBorg, you must download the application to your mobile devices, but it can also be used by adding an extension to the Google Chrome browser.
You can reach SwissBorg developers through applications such as facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram, telegram, linkedin and discord. You can earn rewards from events by joining SwissBorg communities.
15 fiat currencies are listed on SwissBorg.
SwissBorg's '' smart engine '' algorithm allows you to find the best buy and sell orders on many exchanges (Binance, Kraken, Lmax, HitBTC), and to execute buy and sell orders without registering to the exchange it finds.
There are membership levels in SwissBorg. By increasing your membership level to "premium", you can make transactions without paying BTC commission.
SwissBorg's local cryptocurrency is CHSB token. Can be staked. Each newly created CHSB block automatically cycles by burning the first created CHSB block, and the ecosystem is automatically maintained.
You can earn CHSB awards at SwissBorg. You can earn passive income by holding CHSB tokens in your assets.