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lome maritime/TOGO
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117 Review
1307.25 Karma

Review on Trust Wallet by theorich coreen

Revainrating 5 out of 5

rewards platform

Trust Wallet is a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet known to have been the first acquisition of Binance,Trust Wallet is the simplest and most reliable application for buying, exchanging and managing cryptocurrency. This update contains bug fixes, new features and performance improvements.


Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 1 to 5
The wallet’s system had its most recent audited last year by a leading security firm called stateful,which checked complete data integrity,and you can also find the entire review on their official web page.The wallet also has a backup feature that allows you to recover your wallet and funds.


  • Supports all Ethereum-based tokens
  • Wide range of supported tokens
  • Compatible with iOS and Android devices
  • Trust Wallet is an easy-to-use and reputed multi-crypto wallet, which incorporates useful trading features allowing the user to buy cryptos directly with credit cards.
  • transaction fees are a bit expensive compared to other portfolios and also the transaction speed is also to be reviewed

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