The rate at which crypto wallets are coming into the blockchain industry is becoming alarming. This occurrence tends to have both a positive and negative impact. The positive impact is the fact that the competition amongst crypto wallets would be increased making the each company come with the best idea they think would suite their users. The negative impact is the fact that traders would be left with many options which I find confusing in one way or the other. One of the many crypto wallet that is available to users on the blockchain network is the Uphold wallet. This wallet is a Cryptos wallet that stores cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin), fiat (like United States Dollars, Britain Pounds and Euros) and even precious metals (like Silver, Gold and Platinum). The wallet can best be classified as a multi currency wallet due to these facts. The mobile wallet is available on both Android and iPhone operating systems (obviously the reason why its called a mobile wallet) and can be accessed for free on their mobile apps (but the charges for withdrawals and others still remain). Referring to their interface, I find it a bit difficult to understand, making the wallet best suitable for experienced traders. Identifying some icons on their interface seemed a bit hard to me and made me lost interest at first sight. I went on to check out their security features and that alone brought back my interest. The Uphold wallet tends to utilize many useful security measures to safely keep their user funds. Some of which are the 2 Factor Authentication. The 2 Factor Authentication is used by the wallet which sends users a confirmation code before processing some things like logging in to your account. This makes it secured as a confirmation code would be sent to a user mobile number and hackers might not gain access to this code. They are also regulated in the United States. Regulation to some people looks like a burden but I prefer a regulated platform. They have their user private keys encrypted which would prevent hackers from gaining access to their funds
I went further to checking their fees. I discovered that their fee was moderate (although some people classify it as an expensive fee), charging less than 5 dollars looks okay to me. Moreover, a Cryptos wallet that provides multiple security measures shouldn't be charging little fee, as they should have a reward for the good work done.