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How to Use Fractionated Coconut Oil for Hair, Skin, and DIY - Benefits of Premium Grade 100% Pure & Natural Carrier Oil

How to Use Fractionated Coconut Oil for Hair, Skin, and DIY - Benefits of Premium Grade 100% Pure & Natural Carrier Oil

How to use fractionated coconut oil for hair?

Fractionated coconut oil has become a popular hair care ingredient thanks to its many benefits for hair health and beauty. Here are some tips on how to effectively use fractionated coconut oil for your hair:

As a conditioner

  • After shampooing, apply a small amount of oil to your damp hair, focusing on the ends. This will help restore moisture and reduce frizz.
  • Let your hair air dry or blow dry as usual. The oil will penetrate and condition your hair.
  • For deeper conditioning, apply oil to your hair, put on a shower cap, and let sit for 30 minutes before washing out.

As a hair mask

  • Apply coconut oil liberally all over your hair and scalp.
  • Put your hair in a bun or twist and cover with a shower cap.
  • Leave on for at least 1 hour or overnight.
  • Wash out the oil thoroughly with shampoo.

As a styling product

  • Rub a few drops of oil between your palms and smooth over your hair to control frizz and flyaways.
  • Use coconut oil to scrunch curly or wavy hair, enhancing definition and shine.
  • Apply sparingly from mid-length to ends to protect hair from heat styling damage.

Be careful not to use too much fractionated coconut oil, as this can leave hair looking greasy. Start with small amounts and build up as needed. With regular use, you'll see fractional coconut oil boost your hair's health, moisture and shine.

How to use fractionated coconut oil for skin?

Fractionated coconut oil is an incredible multi-tasker for nurturing skin health and beauty. Here's how to incorporate it into your skincare routine:

As a moisturizer

  • Apply a thin layer to clean skin as you would any body lotion. It absorbs quickly without greasiness.
  • Use after showering - the steam helps the oil penetrate deeper into skin.
  • Apply after exfoliating to hydrate freshly revealed skin.

As a makeup remover

  • Gently massage oil over face to melt away makeup, then tissue off.
  • Soak a cotton pad and hold over eyes for 30 seconds to remove stubborn eye makeup.
  • Follow with a mild cleanser to ensure pores don't get clogged.

For massage

  • Warm a quarter-sized amount between palms and smooth over skin.
  • Use light, kneading motions to massage tense muscles.
  • Rinse off any excess oil after massage.

For shaving

  • Apply as a preshave to soften hairs and lubricate skin.
  • Rinse razor frequently to avoid clogging.
  • Apply over just-shaved skin to nourish and calm irritation.

Use fractionated coconut oil daily to notice smoother, softer, more glowing skin over time. Introduce new applications slowly to test skin sensitivity.

How to make fractional coconut oil at home?

Making fractionated coconut oil at home is a simple process that requires just two ingredients - coconut oil and a slow cooker.


  • Virgin coconut oil - 2 cups
  • Slow cooker


  1. Pour 2 cups of virgin coconut oil into the slow cooker.
  2. Set the slow cooker to the lowest temperature setting.
  3. Allow the oil to melt completely, then continue heating it for another 2-3 hours, uncovered.
  4. Check the oil every 30 minutes after it melts. You will see water evaporating from the oil.
  5. After 2-3 hours, turn off the slow cooker and allow the oil to cool down completely.
  6. Once cool, you will notice a separation - the clear fractionated oil will settle on top, while debris and solids settle at the bottom.
  7. Carefully pour off just the clear oil into an airtight glass jar, leaving any sediment behind.
  8. Store in a cool, dark place and use within 6 months.

The gentle heating helps evaporate all the volatile compounds like free fatty acids from the oil, leaving just the stable fractionated portion behind. This makes the oil stay fresh longer. Homemade fractional coconut oil can be safely used for skin, hair, aromatherapy, and more!

How to choose the best fractional coconut oil?

With so many fractional coconut oil options on the market, choosing a high-quality one can get confusing. Here are some tips on what to look for when selecting the best product for your needs:

Check the extraction method

Fractional coconut oil should be extracted using steam distillation, not chemical solvents. This ensures a pure, natural oil.

Consider the source

Opt for virgin or organic coconut oil from reputable sources. Oil derived from fresh, high-quality coconuts will produce the best quality fractional oil.

Look for completely clear oil

Good fractional coconut oil is crystal clear with no sediment or impurities. Cloudiness indicates the presence of contaminants.

Verify levels of key fatty acids

C6 (Caproic acid)0-2%
C8 (Caprylic acid)50-80%
C10 (Capric acid)5-10%

Ideal fractional coconut oil should have fatty acid levels within these ranges.

Make sure it's odorless and tasteless

High-purity fractional oil will not have any coconut scent or flavor.

Avoid additives

Steer clear of coconut oils with added fragrances, vitamins, minerals or other ingredients.

Stick to fractional coconut oil that meets these standards of quality manufacturing and purity. It’s well worth paying a little extra for oil that maintains all the benefits and versatility of fractionation.

How To Use Fractionated Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment?

Fractionated coconut oil is a versatile and beneficial oil for hair treatment. Here are some ways to use it:

  1. As a hair conditioner: Rub a few drops of fractionated coconut oil into your hair and let it absorb to hydrate the scalp and hair. You can either add a few drops right into your regular hair conditioner or use the fractionated coconut oil as a stand-alone hair conditioner.
  2. As a hair detangler: Comb fractionated coconut oil through wet hair and massage it into the scalp to help detangle hair.
  3. As a hair growth treatment: Massage fractionated coconut oil into your scalp to promote hair growth. You can also mix it with other essential oils like rosemary or lavender oil for added benefits.
  4. As a hair repair treatment: Apply fractionated coconut oil to the ends of your hair to help repair split ends and prevent breakage.
  5. As a hair styling product: Use fractionated coconut oil as a natural hair styling product to tame frizz and add shine. Dab a drop or two of oil onto your hand and comb through damp hair, but be careful not to use too much.
  6. As a scalp hydrator: Rub a few drops of fractionated coconut oil into your scalp to hydrate and soothe dry, itchy scalp.
  7. As a sun protection: If you know you’ll be logging some serious time under the sun, work some fractionated coconut oil into your hair and your skin. It can help create a protective seal on the hair and skin, keeping it safer from the potentially harmful rays of the intense sun.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Fractionated Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment?

Fractionated coconut oil has many benefits for hair treatment. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Moisturizes and conditions hair: Fractionated coconut oil easily penetrates the hair follicles, providing much-needed moisture and conditioning.
  2. Hydrates dry, heat-damaged hair: The abundance of antioxidants in fractionated coconut oil is ideal for hydrating dry, heat-damaged hair.
  3. Restores and protects hair: Fractionated coconut oil is filled with nourishing properties and is highly praised for its ability to restore and protect the hair.
  4. Strengthens hair shaft: Coconut oil helps to strengthen the hair shaft, preventing breakage and split ends.
  5. Tames frizz: Fractionated coconut oil can be used as a natural hair styling product to tame frizz and add shine.
  6. Soothes dry, itchy scalp: Rubbing a few drops of fractionated coconut oil into the scalp can hydrate and soothe dry, itchy scalp.
  7. Helps with dandruff and flyaways: Coconut oil for hair can help with dandruff and flyaways.

Overall, fractionated coconut oil is a versatile and beneficial oil for hair treatment, providing hydration, nourishment, and protection to the hair and scalp.

What Is The Difference Between Fractionated Coconut Oil And Regular Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment?

Fractionated coconut oil and regular coconut oil have some differences when it comes to hair treatment. Here are some of the differences:

  1. Chemical composition: Fractionated coconut oil is made by separating the different types of fats in regular coconut oil, which removes the long-chain fatty acids. Caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10) are the two medium-chain fatty acids that remain in fractionated coconut oil.
  2. Consistency: Fractionated coconut oil is more liquid than solid when compared to normal coconut oil. Regular coconut oil only becomes liquid under high temperatures (78 degrees F) and has a greasy feel.
  3. Shelf life: Fractionated coconut oil has a longer shelf life than most other forms of coconut oil.
  4. Odor and taste: Fractionated coconut oil is tasteless and odorless, while regular coconut oil has a distinctive aroma.
  5. Moisturizing properties: Fractionated coconut oil has light moisturizing properties and can help keep skin hydrated, while regular coconut oil is more effective at moisturizing the skin.
  6. Hair conditioning: Fractionated coconut oil is a great hair conditioner, while regular coconut oil can be too heavy for some hair types.

Overall, fractionated coconut oil is a more processed version of regular coconut oil that has some benefits for hair treatment, such as being a great hair conditioner and having a longer shelf life. However, regular coconut oil may be more effective at moisturizing the skin and can be too heavy for some hair types.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Regular Coconut Oil For Hair Treatment?

Coconut oil has many benefits for hair treatment. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Moisturizes and conditions hair: Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can penetrate the hair shaft and provide deep conditioning.
  2. Reduces protein loss: Coconut oil can help reduce protein loss in hair, which can lead to stronger, healthier hair.
  3. Protects hair from damage: Coconut oil can help protect hair from damage caused by environmental factors like wind, sun, and smoke.
  4. Tames frizz: Coconut oil can help tame frizz and flyaways, leaving hair looking smooth and shiny.
  5. Restores luster to dry and damaged hair: Coconut oil can help restore luster to dry and damaged hair by penetrating the hair shaft and providing deep conditioning.
  6. Relieves dandruff: Coconut oil has antifungal properties that can help relieve dandruff.
  7. Stimulates hair growth: Coconut oil can help stimulate hair growth by nourishing the scalp and removing sebum build-up from hair follicles.

Overall, coconut oil is a versatile and beneficial oil for hair treatment, providing hydration, nourishment, and protection to the hair and scalp.

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