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Revain experts around the world!

Revain experts around the world!

Experts who write reviews on the Revain platform do significant and professional work. The Revain community could not leave them without attention, moreover, we want to share their achievements with the whole world!

On this occasion, a contest was invented with a huge prize fund: 1 000 000 REV. Experts, hurry up!

How to participate in the contest? We tell you the details 😉

  1. Choose the direction of your expertise:

You should have at least 10 reviews on the topic in which you want to declare yourself an expert. If you have 10 or more reviews in the ‘Games” category, then the “Games Expert Revain” will be written on the map. If you have more than 10 reviews on “Online stores”, then you can get the title of an expert in online stores on Google Maps.

  1. Mark a place on the map:

Mark your real mailing address on Google Maps, and indicate that you are an expert. In the name field - enter your name. In the site field - specify a link to your profile on the Revain website. In the company name field - specify BlockChain (your category should be here) Expert Revain. 

Detailed instructions are here: https://youtu.be/Oy2-AZaUZtI

  1. Request a confirmation code:

Specify the mailbox - contact@revain.org

Request from us (either by telegram or by email on contact@revain.org) your confirmation code.

  1. Fill in the Google Form: when your mark becomes publicly available on Google Maps fill in the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/kmsS86JmwxVWXjtA9 

Expert applications are accepted until 23:59 (UTC+0), October 15th. By November 15th, the data received from you will be checked and the winners will be selected.


What prizes will the winners receive? 

  1. Those who follow the instructions and send a valid tag on the Google map will receive a 10 000 REV prize. 

Attention, Revainers! There can be no more than 5 winners in one town. If 6 or more marks are published from one town by October 15th, only the first 5 will receive guaranteed prizes. 

We are waiting for 5 experts in each town!

  1. All participants will receive the status of an Expert on the Revain platform. This means that your received rewards for views and for writing reviews will also increase! 
  2. On December 27, among the experts published on Google Maps, we will raffle super-prizes ;) 
  • 2 prizes of 50 000 REV
  • 3 prizes of 33 000 REV
  • 5 prizes of 20 000 REV

There should be at least 50 experts. These prizes will be raffled off among all those who have registered on Google Maps as Revain experts. To receive prizes, achievements etc., all marks on the map must have the "Confirmed" status. 


We will regularly and surprisingly raffle prizes and gifts among the experts listed on Google Maps in the future as well.

*All prizes will be awarded to the winners in REV tokens in their personal accounts.

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