Bitbay is Europe based crypto currency exchange and it is the largest exchange in Europe Volume and user database wise. Any one can use Bitbay exchange globally as Bitbay offer its services to every region and it supports more than 20 Coins. One must be KYC verified to deposit and start trading. Bitbay is one of the best exchanges with lot of Fiat deposits available & much more for the comfort is reliability and lot more crosses to trade with Fiat for easy conversions.
Bitbay is very competitive when it comes to charging fees and your fees largely depends on your 30 day volume. Bitbay Exchange offer multiple order types like stop limit orders where user decide the price rate and amount and order will be placed immediatelt in order book secondly is quick transactions for easy and quick exchanges fill or kill orders where limit orders are executed immediately or they are cancelled if order is not matched.
Fees structure of Bitbay is very low as more you trade less the charge will be. Maker fees for bitbay varies from 0.30% to 0.17% and taker fees varies from 0.43% to 0.25%. Exchange usually charge maker fees for placing a market order if your order get filled but if you order is placed in order book and someone else order is filled then you will be charged taker fees based on your volume.
Bitbay also allow deposit and withdrawl in Eur Gbp Pln and you just need to confirm your bank account by making a deposits from your own bank account and then can use the services. Easy to use the facility of buying cryptos with debit card and through bank transfers in Eur Gbp PLN make it easy for users to start using exchange more frequently and easily as Bitbay assures secrurity of funds through Google 2fA Authentication which is probably the best and reliable way to insure security of funds.