chainrift is a United States of America base cryptocurrency exchange that was published in the year 2018 withdo Manny interesting features that draw different people around the world to access the exchange because it provided a lot of wonderful options for users to trade and enjoy their time monitoring and managing their investment. The transaction was fast and the fees provided for users was not bad and the withdrawal was fast as well
After been used for trading and exchanging digital currenency among user's with great minds of becoming big investors. The future of this project didn't last long enough for most investors. It lasted till 2020. Which was very disappointing for user's to hear because it provided most of the best transactions and liquidity. It social media accounts where working, they had a board that can answer you whenever you have a complain that came up during the transaction
The platform was been closed down some years back by the developers for a reason nobody seems to understand. It was just said by the media for the users to Know that the project has really been shut down and everyone should remove their fund's before it going out service. It seriously became unbearable, because sometimes switching and trying to use other exchange platform might not suit the way a user might be trading before. It trading Value is high and it was the best, but it has lost Soo many users and it no longer safe for investors
It very bad for a good project to disappear without any useful information, to tell them about sudden abandonment of the project. It was not a good end for this project. Unfortunately the project has been sleeping for long and I can't wait for it to stand again in good shape again