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Review on KuCoin by Pedro O. Alvino M.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Kucoin an Exchange, which comes from Hong Kong, it could be said, is a…

Kucoin an Exchange, which comes from Hong Kong, it could be said, is a cryptocurrency market with great ease of use, which can be used by inexperienced users in this area, its commissions are really low compared to other Exchange. Kucoin also offers available where more experienced investors can get to use a tool provided by the Kucoin system, in which graphs of various currencies that are relatively new can be drawn, it is certainly an Exchange in which to advise for inexperienced users.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
its mobile version many more optimized and although it does not present all the characteristics of the exchange in general. Most of the tokens from IEO have an unfavorable investment. Information channels to clear up doubts about the exchange in general

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
KuCoin is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges due to its large commercial volume and number of registered users, in addition to adding the variety of cryptocurrency trading models that it possesses make it attractive for any professional operator and beginner in the market.
The development of the exchange over the last few years has been very innovative, since the number of cryptocurrencies and tokens has increased, in addition to having several cryptocurrency trading mechanisms such as the futures market adapted for any type of operator, from mode that also enables futures market models that allow more market options for users. The margin market is also very popular with traders, as the exchange eventually adds discount tickets for this market model.
An important aspect in the trading system and events in the exchange is that they are always in constant activity, something very different from past times, so that this promotes the volume of trade in the exchange pair selected in the event, in order to to reward users.
The optimization of the exchange has also been noticed due to its speed and response speed of the servers and this despite having a large number of registered users, but there have been certain failures of crashes in the servers in order to hack the system exchange, which has not been successful in the period of the year. The performance in the mobile application for both android and iOS are always constantly updated and the reviews are mostly positive in that the android version already has more than a million downloads.
One detail to consider that development is required in the exchange is the P2P section with fiat currency, since this trading system is active but the activity is very low, and the number of orders listed is few, so it is required that the exchange adds programs and events in this section with the inclusion of fiat currencies from different countries of the world.
One of the features with the greatest novelty in the exchange in the automated trading system, that is, a trading bot, which can be automated for free and adds several plans that cover more operation of the bot, in addition to being able to use the bot in any exchange pair and at the same time observe the information of the trading volume of the pair, where it is possible to copy the operation of the bot from other operators in order to obtain the same positive performance.

After having used it for more than two years and continuing to use it, I have not had security problems or theft of funds, so that in the area of ​​security by the operator it is first class, in which the trading system is very Efficient since I have processed orders and even in cryptocurrency trading pairs with low liquidity, it is usually executed in a few minutes.
The development of the exchange has been very efficient in terms of security and trading experience, so in the long term there may come even more trading features that incentivize operators and have the ability to make profits.

  • Exchange with good interface design, has one of the records with greater ease because it does not have identity verification. In relation to other exchanges, it has no transfer limits and tends to incorporate relatively new currencies.
  • Being a Hong Kong exchange, user support media are usually not in their corresponding language. The withdrawal time usually varies by the amount of the currency. Does not handle fiat currency

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October 02, 2019
Despite being an exchange that has little reference information for its creators, it still has the confidence of many users and its commerce is growing more and more. They also don't need your data to start operating.

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