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Review on Bytom by RODRIGO REIS

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Bytom is a cool project

The Bytom team is made up of blockchain greats. The project
looks promising based on the work that has done it. But it still seems too little to compete with the big and famous coins.


  • Bytom is a blockchain protocol for financial and digital asset applications. The Bytom protocol permits you to register and exchange not only digital assets, but traditional assets such as bonds.
  • Bytom's mission is to build a decentralized network where multiple byte assets and atomic assets can be recorded and traded. ”
  • The 3 kinds of Bytom assets are: Income assets; Capital Assets; Securitized asset. You can exchange all these features in the chain with the Bytom protocol.
  • The Bytom protocol also includes the ability to cross-trade across side chains.
  • Bytom Token (BTM) has three main uses in the Bytom ecosystem: Transaction Fees Dividends Asset Issue Deposits
  • Bytom cryptocurrency has a large market capitalization and is listed on many exchanges.
  • Bytom - BTM has its official wallet available on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
  • BTMs price has great volatility. The price is very low The projet has a great number of competidors

Comments (1)

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January 13, 2020
It is definitely like that