Verge cryptocurrency is a project that has potential and a number of factors to grow the project, in which the popularity of privacy coins, listings on multiple and big exchanges and its ongoing development. However, All cryptocurrencies that offers anonymous transactions always run the risk of becoming associated with illegal transactions. Verge also faces competitions from many other privacy cryptocurrency projects.
This is clearly indicates that the verge coin team is well known to the existing issues within the cryptocurrencies ecosystem. They have outlined the major issues of verge project and are continuously trying to resolve them as fast as possible. However, although are some considerations that whether or not another hackers or Miners would be able to exploit the timestamp issue or not.
With this in mind, it is essential and important that you carefully research all the pros and cons of Verge as well as the factors that could influence its price moving forward before deciding whether to buy any XVG. so, i will give all pros and cons of verge in this review.