I was looking for a lightweight foldable solar panel to charge my battery during a 10 day offline whitewater rafting trip and this turned out to be the right choice. I compared this to similar offerings from BigBlue and AllPowers. AIMTOM puts out around 37W in direct sunlight, compared to 31-34W for AllPowers and only around 14W for BigBlue (all with their 12V outputs). While all solar panels don't perform well when part of the panel is shaded, this one continued to put out little performance when partially shaded (2W to 13W), while the other two dropped to near zero. AIMTOM also quickly recovered to provide full performance after shadowing was removed. Finally, I like the form factor - with all the panels lined up, I can easily stand it upright so it's not touching hot surfaces, unlike 3x3 arrays that sit on the floor or need to be hung from something. Can't comment on durability yet, but it seems well made so I have high hopes. It's a keeper!