It's been a long time since I've seen a clock radio that could be plugged into an external antenna and . . . It's also been a long time since I've seen a clock radio with impressive reception. This unit has above average sound which was definitely our main purchase goal. It wasn't cheap, not even used, and it took a lot of work to secure under the closet. (I ran a flexible metal bracket underneath, which is invisible unless it's on a countertop.) But the sound is a lot better than average. In this case, radio reception will not impress anyone. Apparently the power cord is also an antenna and by messing with the cord you can sometimes improve clarity and sometimes make clarity worse, but generally with a radio under the cabinet you want to HIDE the power cord rather than letting you deal with it You can play around with it in hopes of getting a station that you should be able to pick up easily. My car, which isn't expensive, has a factory stereo and a compact $8 antenna that can easily hook up LOTS more transmitters than this. Sony radio. And it's kind of awkward. However, if you want to listen to strong local stations or use the CD player in this unit, it definitely sounds better than Walmart's $20 under-cabinet unit.
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