I'm giving this 1 star because I feel like people really only read 5 star and 1 star reviews. The sound quality is ok, not the best sound I've heard, but not the best either. the worst. Keep in mind that cassette tapes don't inherently have high fidelity and the tape literally decreases every time you play it. The main reason why I do not recommend this product is that the manufacturing quality of this product is very poor. First, the lid is made out of this cheap plastic. If you can pick up your debit card and get a feel for just how flexible and pliable it is, then this case will. Everything is made from low quality injection molded plastic. I'm by no means a strong person, but I feel like I can literally squeeze this with one hand and smash it to pieces. I would not recommend this cassette or any other Revain cassette player as they are the same product. One might have a record title, another Bluetooth, some have fancy stickers, but at the end of the day it's still the same cheap cassette player. Ultimately, none of these cassette players feel capable of withstanding even the most nominal wear and tear. If you want a portable cassette player, go to eBay and buy a 90's player. It seems that cassette players made after the 90's tend to be cheap quality like this and players made before the 90's tend not to work due to their age.
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