Considering that the only prime cinema lenses available are the Rokinons (the Veydra is out of business at the moment and nobody else makes cinema lenses under $1000 anymore), Meieke's line of cinema lenses with Fixed focal length it is very welcome addition. To me Meiekes seem to be much better built than Rokinons (they seem to be more durable despite being smaller than Rokinons) and although they are advertised as T2.2 and Rokinons as T1.5 I prefer the feel of Meikes and believe that their lenses are designed for long-term use. That extra bezel (if there is one at all) doesn't bother me; So far I've happily bought every Meike Film Fix while I've only bought the 35mm Rokinon. Given that the MFT format is inherently unfavorable for wide-angle shots (e.g. 12mm equals 24mm on the GH5), having 12mm in the ruler seems almost right - I see as good as no significant distortion, and I really don't see what I needed to go much wider - when I do I either hit full frame or turn on the speed booster and use some of my wide-angle EF lenses. To me, the value of these lenses (aside from being fairly affordable) is that they don't focus by wire, the focus ring is smooth and fluid. long, which makes focusing comfortable and very easy for me, and that they're mounted in identical bodies so you can swap them out without taking apart and rearranging your setup - I'd even venture that you have one of these lenses at With a stabilizer, you can replace it without recalibrating, which can save me a lot of time. In any case, I'm not a pixel peeper, so I can't tell you if these lenses are sharper than some other lenses, or if barrel distortion would be acceptable for those shooting architectural interiors. or something like that. What I can tell you is that I love using them because they help me tell the story of working with devices rather than fight it, which is why I turn to them 99 times out of 100.