I wan't expecting much, but I bought a couple to use on a gig that wasn't critical. But, wow. The pair of batteries lasted about 2 hours at 100% power. The 5600K is spot on, thought the 3200K is too magenta for my taste. Even spread of light across the panel, though there is a slight dimness along the outer edge ---- totally acceptable, especially if you use gels. The yoke is sturdy and tightens down firmly. The charger is okay and the case protects the light and accessories well. I think I'd rather put both of the light kits I purchased into something like a Pelican case for road-worthiness.The build quality is reasonable for the price. Over the years Fotodiox has been making more competitive price/value products that have to be nipping at the bigger companies.
Large 59 X 78 Inch Selens Oval Reflector With Convenient Handle For Professional Studio And Outdoor Photography Lighting, 5-In-1 Multi-Functional Reflective Surface
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Aureday Heavy Duty Adjustable Backdrop Stand With 6 Clamps And 4 Crossbars - Perfect For Weddings, Parties, And Photoshoots!
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