I wanted a snow boot. This isn't a snow boot. It may be fine for slushy, sloppy weather but not more than a couple of inches of snow. It is not fur lined. It has a thin layer of a felt-like material inside. It will not keep your feet warm in very cold weather.colder than 30 degrees F. Be prepared to wear at least two pairs of thick socks and then be careful with the temperature. Even with two pairs of the aforementioned thick socks my feet were getting very cold very quickly.Snow boots have deep treads on their soles. This does not. treads are very shallow. Snow boots need to be taller than this pair. They seem flimsy for the price. They just don't live up to the catalogue description.All that being said, I think they'll be fine for warmer slushy, messy conditions. Not deep snow. They seem to be waterproof. My feet, although cold, were dry. They are comfortable. My size 11 fit fine with two pair of heavy socks. they are very light. I'm used to a more rugged build for my boots.I'll wear them in milder wet weather and I hope to get a couple of seasons of use.