I would fire every single programmer at GoPro! Not in the wintertime! After a year, the GPS telemetry ceased functioning properly! The GoPro 7 Black cannot be considered a quality product under any circumstances. My recommendation is to avoid using a product made by this corporation for the next 20 years. Until such time as they locate specialists who are capable of producing superior goods! These are some advantages: Mostly just an action camera with additional software: Firstly, mobility! 2. Construct with care! 3. The caliber of the shots! 4. Almost excellent stabilization! Having this drawback: From the perspective of the software that is built into the camera itself: 1. It will suddenly stop responding every so often, at which point you will need to remove the battery. 2. Is not always capable of comprehending verbal instructions (not finalized). 3. Wi-Fi connectivity isn't standard on all mobile devices. (Wi-Fi connections sometimes establish but then hang once established) I was therefore unable to connect to the Wi-Fi network. It's incompatible with Lumia phones and Samsung tablets, unfortunately. 4. Sometimes does not recognize the PC device (Win 10), 5. Who was the creative genius behind this method of naming files? What kind of encryption is this? 6. Expensive for a product with such a high level of rawness! 7. Please take notice! Does not function when the temperature is below zero! As you get to -1-2, you have an hour off, and then it starts to cut down. That takes less than a minute when the temperature is -5. You can put -10 out of your mind! From the perspective of the application:! There is currently no GoPro app that is capable of connecting to this camera. a score of ZERO for the app!