I'm not sure exactly how to rate this bike. Assembly was fairly simple, but both wheels aren't fully straight (the foam itself is curved a little), and the handlebar has already had to be reset and tightened twice (to the point I'm worried something will break if I tighten it any further) because it's slipped to the side, so the quality isn't great.Having said that, the bike looks very nice, and my tall 3.5 year old son loves it. He's been riding it for less than a week, after having never been on a bike before, and there's been a huge improvement, to the point he's already able to glide/balance on it a bit. From that standpoint, it's been a big success.Unfortunately, there aren't many other 14" balance bikes out there that we could find, especially at this price point. Given that and the progress my son has made already, it feels worth it for what it is, but I wouldn't expect it to last for too long.
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