Minimalist running shoes are a great way to spice up your running routine. These shoes are so light that it feels like walking barefoot, but they protect the soles of your feet very well. The shoes are made of breathable mesh with a large toe cap. The rubber portion of the outsole extends over the toe to provide protection from roots and rocks. The shoes have an elastic lacing with a latch. There is Velcro on one end of the laces so you can attach them to your shoes to keep them from snagging on grass or branches. The insole is surprisingly well padded and the tread is non-slip and suitable for wet or dry terrain. This is a great pair of shoes for trail running or to slip on after a marathon to give your feet a rest. They're comfortable, dry quickly and fit like a glove. If you are a person who usually falls between half sizes, I would recommend going up the size here.