POS, save your money. 1.: does not unscrew the hose at all, first operation without filtered water 2.: hardly screwed on, cannot tighten the threads firmly or slips off and has to be tightened. 5 hours later in the middle of the night the hose broke leaving hundreds of gallons of water everywhere. WORST SHIT I HAVE ORDERED FROM AMAZON. This product should be withdrawn from the market. Buy a Camco instead, at least they work.
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VP 4
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3 Pack Waterproof RV Hose Storage Bags - Camper Accessories For Motorhome Electrical Cables, Fresh/Black/Grey Water Hoses
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RV Outdoor Mat: LATCH.IT 5X8 Boho Style Reversible Rug Ideal For Camping & Camper Use β The Ultimate RV Patio Rug For All Occasions!
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Lippert Solid Stance RV Step Stabilizer Kit For 5Th Wheels, Travel Trailers And Motorhomes
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