This accessory has a special place on my belt for cord management. It destroys absolutely everything but masonry, and its 16-inch length allows it to penetrate even thick exterior walls. It's fast as hell and hasn't slowed down once in the 6 months I've lost it in the basement. I immediately went to Menard to buy a replacement but they no longer sold the Daredevil series. I think because they last so long people buy them once and that's it. I have found that traditional shovels become dull after about a month of frequent use. I can't praise the Daredevil series enough. Very sharp, very fast, lasts forever, doesn't weigh as much and doesn't take up as much space as a full sized bit, but you get more or less the same effect. The only thing you have to work on is when you're drilling into something thin like baseboard trim because you're chipping it off. In this case, I just quickly drill a 1/4" pilot hole and finish with a daredevil. You lose the self-feeding aspect, but it doesn't separate.