The short of it - fun bike, not for anyone over 5'6, lots of compliments, don't expect quality materials or a manual that makes senseWhen this bike first arrived. it took a bit to put it together.The manual:Is translated into English by someone who clearly doesn't speak English. My kids were helping me with the bike and had a good laugh reading the manual. It also has 4 different types of brakes that "could" be on your bike etc so you aren't ever sure which section to read. There is no clear section on the battery charging. The cord itself has colors like a scooter charger but the lights on the battery flicker and always go to blue. nothing on that in the manual.Bike parts:The seat arrived with a small tear and the black squishy padding on the front of the bike was all mashed up and doesn't straighten or flatten out so it looks like it banged into something. The frame itself scratches very easily. The fenders rattle even when tightened all the way because they are a cheap metal like material, but not thick material like a normal bike (like Schwinn etc).Functionality:The seat all the way up at best suits someone 5'6. my kids are 5'5 and 5'6 and they can get by for a year on this bike but not me at 5'10. I can't really pedal it with my long legs so have to just cruise on electric, though it's quite fun to do so. Doesn't take hills very well. it says to put it it low mode for uphill. we've tried low, medium and high and every time barely make it up a hill. I had to get off and walk part of the hill since I'm too tall to pedal. This was all on a full charge.Would I pay $899 for it after seeing it and trying it? Probably not. I was a definite "NO" when I saw it up close and the few cosmetic damages along with frustrating manual (it has directions for a headlight too with the controls but the controls do nothing on our bike because there is no headlight? Confusing!) So this brought me to 3 stars, but adding a star back for the sheer fun factor my kids are having camping. Lots of compliments and definitely fun.
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