I chose the Dyson V-10 because I wanted both a fluffy laminate attachment and a carpet beating attachment. On the plus side I have the heads and accessories I wanted and will use. The downside was all the accessories piled up on the bottom of my closet and I had to sort through the accessories every time I wanted to vacuum. It was ugly. And then I saw this product. Problem solved. All my accessories fit perfectly and they are all in one place. This place does NOT take up the entire floor. In the photo I did as I assembled it after a few tries. Everything FAST fits. If I just looked at the photos online and put everything where it is in the photo, I could save myself some time and hassle. So my advice to you is: put the brackets on the mains charger and then place the accessories as shown in the photo. So they fit perfectly. A pile of accessories on my closet floor was the only issue I had with the Dyson V-10. Now I'm totally in love with the system and it's because of this accessory holder. I really recommend this accessory to anyone who owns one of the Dyson vacuums. It's worth the money, and the manufacturer made it look like it came with a vacuum cleaner. It has the same locking system as the vacuum cleaner and the same color so it looks really good and looks like it belongs here. In fact, if you have one of these vacuums, it really belongs!