I use them to mark holes in aluminum and fiberglass. I use a paper template for mounting electronic devices and mark the drilling points with a hole punch. I can remove and reuse these templates because they make a very small hole in the paper. You must be careful to reduce the impact force when stamping gel coated fiberglass as the gel coating can chip off. It leaves a small indentation in the material and when drilling, the drill does not go through the material. It's a tiny hole, but it even holds the larger drill bits (1/2, 3/8) in place when starting the drill. I work in a salt water environment so after a year or so the insides start to stick together and the stamp sometimes won't reset. I usually take a new one, but you can disassemble and clean and oil the hammer and it will work just fine. With the materials I use it on I've never had a dull one. I've been using these for about 10 years with no problems.