I love being clean. When I need my sleeping bag, I may or may not be clean as it usually means I'm camping. Not only is it a costly pain to wash a sleeping bag, but it can't be good for the materials to do it too often. This is the perfect solution to keep your sleeping bag vcoean longer and be comfortable. I'm a junky for cotton sheets and really dislike anything else. However, cotton would be heavier and thicker. So I tried this one. I was very happy. Temps were in the 50-60s at night and I love sleeping in temps 50-70 depending on the season. I was afraid with my quality mummy bag that I'd be sweltering with this liner. That was not the case. In face, it dropped to about 55 on the second night and since I was sleeping minimally in my tent, it was just perfect! If it were hot summer nights, I'd still use this liner. Perhaps just lay in it on my sleeping bag. Worth it!
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