- The brightness is weak. Buy an ordinary LED lamp for 500 (and for 500, it will not be ordinary, but the most expensive and powerful with this base) - it will be five times brighter. For a table lamp - will do. -I corresponded a lot with technical support, finding out what version of the Smart Bulb is the latest and freshest? Now I regret that I didn’t take the one with only 3 reviews, and a lower rating (due to the small number of reviews). And yes, the price is lower. But as technical support answered, this is their official lot. Right there, we take Technopark through an intermediary, as a result of which we overpay. -It's kind of stupid - when you add photos in a review - well, you can't determine their order in any way! ((I've already tried everything. I even changed the names of the files so that there was a sequence.