I like a sharp knife but I'm far from an expert sharpener. I had some fairly expensive knives that I could no longer sharpen with the stones, steel rods, and ceramic rods that I traditionally used. I decided to invest in diamond stone. This DMT workbench stone works great and the fine/course combo was good for restoring my dull knives or tinting those that were in better condition. I liked it so much that I bought another small pocket model and serrated blade from the same company. I use it in an affordable plastic base and I think it's the way to go. I've sharpened all the knives we have, my axes, all my tree and shrub cutting gear, and I've used a diamond workbench to smooth my old whetstones that have been cut with use. I'm glad I bought the larger size for all the things I've been sharpening. Easy to clean with soap and water. Reliable investment in the tool.