Let me tell you some of my issues with this item are related to my lighting setup. I hooked up some Christmas lights and set them to turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn, but when they turn on they produce enough light to confuse the sensor into thinking it's day so it turns on out. Then, thinking it's night, he turns the light back on. So with this setting, my Christmas lights are constantly turning on and off every 2 seconds. I ended up plugging them into a smart socket, leaving them in settings and using the smart socket to control when they turn on and off. So now I think everything is fine, right? no Wasn't home over the weekend and noticed my smart plug said it couldn't connect. Came home and the switch in the outlet broke. I've never had this problem with any of the other smart plugs, so I suspect this plug in the smart plug caused the problem. Of course I've connected multiple LED string lights together and then to this connector, but everyone says they can handle up to 5 strings connected together and I've only connected 3 or 4 together.
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