Foam insert inside the case, there are virtually no clips inside.
was nicely damaged but there aren't very many brackets inside the case, foam rubber has been added halfway down the depth of the case. So on it looks complete in the picture.
QUICK CONNECTIONS: Clamps apply force to close a beveled connection on a picture frame or door panel; The spring wires are strong but easy to stretch with the tool provided; Wire ends are cut diagonally to allow the sharp leading edge to penetrate hardwood and stay in place; The kit includes 4 each of the following spring clips: 1/2" to 3/4" (13-20 mm), 11/16" to 1" (17-25 mm), 7/8" to 1 -3/16" (22-30mm), 1" to 1-3/8" (25-35mm), 1-3/4" to 2-3/16" (45-57 mm), 2-1/2" to 3" ( 65-75 mm)