Returned it for a refund, won't want another until they decide to use a zip that is STRONG ENOUGH FOR A 1000 LB HORSE is. THEN this should be a great thing but with this COMPLETELY INACCURATE ZIPPER I don't think it will last more than a few wears like me. Otherwise the product seems good, I don't understand? but don't buy it, you will be disappointed if this SMALL zipper breaks.
Tough 1 Extreme Sport Boots Set with Enhanced Ventilation
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🤕 16-Pack Self Adhesive Bandage Wrap - 2”x 5 Yards - Vet Wrap for Animals - Athletic Elastic Cohesive Bandage for Healing Wrist and Ankle Sprain - Tattoo Grip Cover Wrap for Dogs, Cats, and Horses
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👢 ARMA Close Contact Over Reach Boots
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TGW RIDING No Turn Ballistic Overreach
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