I ordered this to use at the beach. Sand on a blanket is annoying, especially when you end up tracking it into your car and house. This was a good buy. The colors are vibrant, and it is large enough for several people to seat or lounge. You probably need to have someone help you with laying it out. It is lightweight so it blows a bit in the wind when you shake it out to lay it down. You can secure it yourself, but its just easier with someone else. I used it with the stakes and had no problems with it coming up unexpectedly. I didn't test the bags that could hold sand, but I am sure it would be just as effective. It was just a personal preference to use the stakes. Due to wind, I couldn't fold it on the beach alone to get it back in the storage pouch, but I balled it up, put it in my backpack and then folded it later. It works best to fold the edges inward like you would putting a letter in an envelope rather than folding like a blanket--if that makes any sense. I would have given it 5 stars except, sunscreen (lotion) got on it in a few places, and when I washed it, it left a mark, like the way oil does. That wouldn't happen on a regular towel, but when I return home, I will use some Dawn dish soap to see if I can get it out. Overall though, it was a great buy for the price.
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