There are so many cheap trendy sneakers and mesh sneakers/shoes on the market today that it's tempting to buy multiple pairs of sneakers. Style triumphs over substance, half a dozen cheap sneakers will last as long as a pair of more expensive sneakers. These will be my favorite running shoes for the next few months. My only complaint about the shoes is the stitching, which could be better. I hesitated before ordering them, these days I prefer 11.5 but 11 if the brand doesn't run small. Several other reviewers reported that they are a little small. 11.5 was sold out. I took a risk and ordered a size 11, the payroll intuitive psychics sensed my hesitation and sent me a size 12, much larger than I had ever ordered. One size up, they're very easy to put on, they're roomy, but not that they can't be worn. There is of course a problem with the support, but I will not play sports there. My trail has included dirt roads, wooden bridges, muddy, rootless hills, the hills I run on. It was raining before my hike, the trail was wet, the bridges are usually slippery in such weather conditions. The shoe feels great in the hand, doesn't slip, has great traction, lots of rubber in the right places. Based on performance I believe I can wear my size 11 and definitely 11.5.
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Skechers Afterburn Strike Memory Men's Fashion Sneakers: Stylish Footwear for Every Occasion
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