The ease of creating an ebook, being able to sell it with no additional costs or set up is great! I also like that when someone purchases my eBook they get all their files in one place so there are fewer emails back-and forth getting documents together for them if needed (i know this might sound silly but sometimes people just don't want/need paper copies). Sometimes its hard figuring out where your book will be available at times - maybe more than others? But overall i am very happy using lemonink as well as sending books through Amazon KDP program!! It's easy peasy compared other services we used before which were quite costly plus required us having our own website built etc.. We can now publish directly via Kindle without needing any extra fees such as hosting space & setup time / cost involved into building websites ourselves. No need anymore either because everything has been taken care off by lemonginck :) Our sales went down significantly until recently since new customers found.