I took it to take a few things on day hikes or some of my gear on climbs. The bag consists of a large main pocket, a mesh pocket, a small pocket over the mesh and a water bottle holder. I usually prefer two water bottle cages because I don't use a reservoir, but a fancy 1 liter water bottle fits easily in this holder. The front mesh is good for things that need quick access or when you want to air out wet socks on the outside of the bag. I usually put my phone and wallet in a small pocket so they don't get lost at the bottom of the bag. The inner pocket is roomy and has room for everything you need for a day hike and more (there is also a water bladder sleeve). I took a photo of the inside with some stuff to show how the pockets work. There are numerous gear loops and attachment points for hanging items on the front of the backpack. Packability is good but I never use it. Getting in and out of the "packaged" is a bit difficult, but the only reason for doing so is to save space (to carry in luggage). The shoulder straps themselves aren't very thick or padded, but that's because this backpack is foldable and lightweight. The material weight of this backpack seems better than some others I've had. So far it seems to be holding up well.
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