I used to use Commit To Green bags but switched to them after the 13 gallon bags became unavailable. The Commit to Green bags got pretty high ratings and I was hesitant to switch them as many compostable "plastic" bags have bad reviews saying they break too easily (for example if they're still in your kitchen and you try to use them). . for storing food waste or other organic materials). So, just like before choosing these bags, I did some more research before deciding which brand to buy as a replacement. I chose them because they also had good reviews. Like the Commit to Green bags, they have worked well for me. I use them to store food waste and other organic waste (paper napkins, etc.) in my kitchen before tossing it in my city's trash can for their food/organic waste collection program. I would *use* paper bags (even home compostable no doubt) if I wasn't concerned about cleanliness - like liquid oozing from leftover food and seeping through the paper into the container I use indoors or out. They work very well to prevent this. Unlike my previous bags, these have a "gear" on the bottom rather than the linear seal that the manufacturer claims helps prevent breakage. I've never had a break or a leak, maybe that's true, but I also try not to stress them too much. They are ASTM D6400 certified for industrial/municipal composting to meet my city's requirements. They are also BPI certified for industrial composting. Note that they *not* compost for most people at home, as home composting is unlikely to be done under the same conditions (temperature, etc.) used in industrial composting for this to happen.
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