I really like how easy it is to use, both for creating photo manipulations or editing existing ones (as well as printing them). It has so many features that you can't possibly know all of your needs are met by this software! Sometimes when adding photos from my phone they look distorted because i'm not using an HDR mode in Photoshop but yet still have options available through FFM here which helps with those distortions too - plus its free!! Just try out their demo before purchasing just incase there were things about what we got stucked at while trying everything else first, otherwise great program overall very helpful & friendly people who answered any questions quickly, no problems thus far. Editing pictures for social media websites such as Pinterest etc where size matters more than quality sometimes since images will be displayed fairly small compared to larger picture sizes elsewhere. I like how easy it is to use and it's pretty intuitive. It's not something I'd say I dislike, but I haven't found anything I dislike either. I like that I can upload from my phone and use it on the go. It's not a must, but I do like the option. I would say that it is a great tool for anyone who likes to be able to edit their photos from anywhere. I use it to edit photos and upload to social media. It's a great way to get photos out quickly and easily.